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                                       SIFE UNITEN

> Since 2001, SIFE UNITEN has participated in the annual SIFE National Competition and never failed to advance to the final round of the competition. Best achievement is First Runner Up in SIFE National Competition 2003, 2005 and 2006 and SIFE Spirit Award.
> Adam Ramskay, the former President of EC/SIFE UNITEN, and Puan Kamariah Othman, Advisor of EC/SIFE UNITEN were observers and members of Malaysian Contingent for SIFE World Cup 2004, in Barcelona Spain.
> Four members of SIFE UNITEN (Noor Azadiah Azizun, Feroz Khan Akbar Khan, Zulia Mohd Radzi, and Norashikin Nordin) with 17 other students from seven different universities in Malaysia were competitively selected to attend SIFE Business Internship Initiative in Missouri United States from August to November 2005.
> Hosted four US SIFE Business interns to participate in SIFE UNITEN activities in Bangi and Muadzam campuses.
Noor Azadiah Azizun, current President of EC/SIFE UNITEN attended Global Leadership Forum during the SIFE World Cup 2005 competition in Toronto Canada to share her experiences as SIFE interns in United States.
> SIFE UNITEN also won the Financial Literacy Grant Award amounting US$960 (RM3677) in 2005 and US$1000 in 2006 sponsored by HSBC Educational Trust and Corporate Investment Banking and Markets (CIBM), division of HSBC for the Educational Outreach Project.
> Khalilah Munirah Musa was chosen to represent the team and Malaysia at the HSBC Financial Literacy Forum, with other 100 students from 27 countries worldwide during SIFE World Cup 2005 Toronto, Canada. Khalilah was one of the five winners of the “Blue Sky Award” for having the best report on financial literacy topic.
> Adam Ramskay, has started a small ICT company in Central Incubator, Cyberjaya with cradle-funding of RM 37,000 from Cradle Investment Program, Malaysia Venture Capital (MAVCAP) and MDC. In addition, he was selected through writing an essay for The 6th International Students Symposium in Prague Czech Republic.
> Two SIFE UNITEN members went to South Africa in April, 2006 and collaborated with SIFE CPUT (Cape Peninsula University of Technology) to do an outreach program with 20 participants from CAFDA (Cape Flats Development Association. 

EC/SIFE Uniten Contingent for SIFE National Competition 2005 with one of the Business Advisors, Mr. Brian Fernandez, Qusol Sdn. Bhd. 

Aza, Shikin, Feroz and Zulia selected for SIFE business Internship in Missouri USA .

EC/SIFE UNITEN Student Bazaar with US Business Interns .

Program on Basic Financial Skills and Motivational Talks with Orang Asli primary school students at Sekolah Rendah Bukit Serok, Rompin, Pahang . 

Khalilah receiving the Blue Sky Award at the HSBC Financial Literacy Forum, Toronto Canada, October 2005 .

Adam (in suit) with participants from various countries ( USA, Sweden, India, Zimbabwe, Austria, Uzbekistan etc. ) at the International Students Symposium in Prague, Czech Republic, January 2006 .